About Us
The Outback Motel was built in the early 1970's by Mr Jeff Findlay and his wife Fran and has changed ownership five times. Mick, Jenny and another partner purchased the Motel in July 1995 and the Motel in now run on conjunction with the Chapmanton Holiday Units that are located in nearby Arkaba Street. The units were constructed in 1985 and helped form the name of the "Outback Chapmanton Motel"
Mick and Jenny have lived in the area for most of their lives and have four generations of their forebears before them, whom first came to the area in the 1870's - 1880's farming and grazing allotments of land. Mick, Jenny and the family run a grazing property for wool and beef production in the local area. However, due to the uncertainity of commodity prices and the low and unrealiable rainfall decided to deversify in the tourism and hospitality industry to help secure a livelehood for themselves and generations to come.
Hawker is regarded as the "Hub of the Flinders Ranges" and is located 370km from Adelaide, 100km from Port Augusta and only 25 minutes drive from Wilpena Pound and many other scenic highlights of the Flinders Ranges and the vast Flinders Ranges National Park. The township was established 1880. The orginal township was surveryed in approximately 1875 which shifted several years later to the present township of Hawker because of the advent of the rail line. The property that was orginally surveyed is on the Webb's fmaily grazing property.
Nowadays Hawker is a thriving town and offers many businesses that service the South Australian outback area, a local area hospital and many other facilties available to the general public.
Your Hosts: Mick & Jenny Webb